Monday, August 25, 2008

A first person view of Brooke, Max, and Cory Going down the alpine side at Snowbird Ski Resort while Becky waits at the bottom.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Brooke and Max Up to No Good!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Chelsey and Cory got the wipped around good by Nate.

Brooke and Gram pa

Brooke and Gram pa Bennett spent some time fishing together and could not have been happier.

Gram pa Bennett's boat was not powerful enough to pull me up out of the water during my many attempts at water skiing but I had fun burning up gas while driving the boat around at Flaming Gorge.

Brooke, Max, and Linkon playing legos in the trailor at Flaming Gorge.

Max and Linkon Playing With Bubble Machine at Flaming Gorge.